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2005-06-09 - 7:43 p.m.

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Nathan is fast asleep and I allotted myself 45 minutes of computer time before getting back to housecleaning. I still have quite a bit to do and not quite as much time to do it in as I thought. James' parents will arrive a little earlier tomorrow evening than they first planned. That is just fine though - I was going to throw a roast in the crock pot and slow cook it ALL day tomorrow. I will probably put it in around 8am and we will eat sometime around 8pm. I usually use chuck roast (not the leanest cut of beef, but very tasty!) In the bottom of the crock pot before adding the roast I mix a can of cream of mushroom soup, 1 can water and 1 packet of Golden onion soup mix. I put the roast in with that gravy and cook it like 11 or 12 hours on low. It is so, so good. The meat juices give the gravy a wonderful flavor. The gravy will go great with white rice. I like to saut� carrot batons with broccoli florets in a little olive oil and garlic. That will be plenty for a late dinner, I think.

I don't know why I MUST clean like I do for my mother in law. She would feel horrible if she knew how much time I feel I need to spend cleaning before her visit. Not regular stuff like bathrooms and vacuuming, but the little stuff - like cleaning the flatware holder, making sure the flatware is very clean, cleaning out the toaster, the microwave, wiping down the inside of the fridge, ironing the sheets (just kidding on that last one). Anyway, she has never said anything to make me feel like my house is dirty but I just want it extra squeaky clean.

I am just about out of time. I wanted to include a picture of James as a baby so you can see how much my little man looks like his father.

Karen, my sister, is holding Nathan.

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