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6 week checkup for me

2006-08-29 - 12:48 p.m.

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I just have a few quick minutes to update before Ava and I have to go pick up Nathan from Mothers' Day Out. I had my 6 week postpartum check-up this morning. Tomorrow Ava will be 6 weeks old. SIX WEEKS OLD!!! Wow!!

She is doing fine. She's right at 11lbs. She has developed baby acne. Nathan did also and much worse. I hope hers doesn't get much worse! She is losing some of her hair. She still thinks she needs to be held like all the time when she is awake. She DOES sleep longer stretches than Nathan ever did at this stage. She will sleep for 4 or even 5 hours in a row at night. Breastfeeding is going great. I am going to start calling her miss Piggy. She thinks she needs to nurse like every 2 hours during the day. As long as she is being held or she's asleep, she's pretty content. If you lay her down when she is awake, watch out!

Nathan still loves on her every chance he gets. He still hasn't done anything 'mean' to her on purpose. He likes to grab at her and hug her (she's not real fond of this). He likes to lay his head on her to love on her. He likes to hold her then push her away when he is "all done" with her. Same old thing. Very cute to see...

I started giving her a pacifier some - she likes it at times. I think I will express some milk and give her a bottle tomorrow when my mom gets here. My parents are coming down tomorrow and staying through Tuesday. My family, my parents and my sister and her family are all going to the beach together for Labor Day. I'm looking forward to it and will take lots of pictures.

I still have 17 pounds to lose in order to get back to my pre-Ava weight. That's not going to happen any time soon....

I have to leave now, but I will leave you with a few pictures.

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