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home for a few days

2006-05-25 - 9:39 a.m.

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Thank you for your kind words and compliments. I don't deserve them at all though - I only desired to do what I felt I was called to do. I know my calling at this time - it is to my husband, my son, my unborn child and my home. I've got a lot to do! We're home though. The funeral was lovely - bittersweet. I still have peace in my head but an empty hole in my heart. I suppose it is time to get back to the reality of my life here at home.

We will head to Birmingham on Saturday for a wedding that evening then drive back the next day. That drive is getting old. Very, very old. After that I'll be ALL DONE with long road trips. The only other trip we have planned is a weekend at the beach with my sister and her family. I think that is around June 9th - and the condo is only about 30 minutes from here.

My sister is pregnant! She's about 12 weeks along. I haven't mentioned that before now, I don't think. She has been SICK, SICK, SICK!!! She has lost over 20 lbs, is dehydrated and just hanging on as best she can. I feel bad for her but haven't been able to make the time to go to Mobile to help her any. Taking care of Marylou had monopolized my time and energy - I need to call and ask how I can help. She has tried several anti-nausea medications but they haven't done the trick thus far. Her OB just prescribed Reglan - a gastric stimulant. Maybe this will help. I hope so.

My sweet parents drove to Birmingham for the funeral yesterday. It is a 3 hour drive for them. Everyone was quite touched by that.....

Well, I need to go see what my little sweetie is up to - he's been awful quiet since I've been in here......

I'll see if I can find a picture of his new hair cut (well - it is about a month old now) and post it in a bit.

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